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  • Writer's pictureAlexandra Klimi

Alex’s take on coaching

One of the best HR leaders I worked with told me:

'Alex, you have a talent for making people feel special & trusted and putting them at ease to be themselves.'

I appreciated the praise at the time, but I only came to realize this was such a precious gift a few years later. What she called talent, is now the foundation that I am using while coaching: raising self-awareness and confidence!

🧐 Socrates talked about “Know thyself” and this is nothing different to self-awareness. Our thinking and therefore our decision-making is fogged because we don’t (want to) see the full reality. What is holding us back is that we haven’t understood our strengths and limitations, haven’t engaged in meaningful conversations with those close to us to see what’s working and what’s not working, haven’t stopped to reflect on who we are really being at this moment.

Are you surprised at the concept of “raising confidence? You may think that some leaders have more than enough confidence. 

In my opinion, when there’s true self-awareness there can’t be too much confidence. Realizing your limitations will push you to grow to what you want to be, and this requires courageit can also be quite unsettling. And this is where positive transformation is happening!


So, self-awareness & confidence. Sarah, big thanks for the gift 😊.

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